How do I to stay accountable with a home exercise program??
If your like most individuals, staying regular with your exercise or wellness program can be a challenge.
Here are some suggestions to improve adherence and ultimately achieve health related outcomes.
Start with the right mindset. Remember how you were feeling in the past, how you DON’T want to be feeling in the future and how you DO want to be feeling in the future. This can be a great source of motivation. Harness that feeling to stick with your program!
Tell friends or family about your physical goals and have them ask you about progress regularly. This can help “keep you honest”.
Make your exercise or movement program easy to do and a priority. Take an activity you regularly do, like binge watching your favorite programs, reading a book or doing house chores and combine your movement program with these activities. You don’t need to take extra time out of the day to move and be healthy.
Enjoy your success and positive physical feelings with your program. This can help reinforce neurochemical pathways to improve self motivation. Embrace the endorphins!
Best of luck utilizing these strategies. If you need more help or guidance, contact us.