Balance & Fall Management
Equilibrium Suspension Therapy Creates a unique balancing experience that enhances mobility and safety by decreasing a person's body weight in order to improve performance
Why Is This Important
By deweighting someones body weight, individuals are able to move in ways that may not have been possible.
This allows clients to work on improving their balancing health, mobility, flexibility and strength.
Suspension Therapy training can also be used to safely assist individuals on or off the floor, a cushioned mat or soft treatment tables. This strategy of assisting someone on or off the floor using the suspension system, can help improve an individuals motion, strength, and coordination in getting up from a fall.
This can translate into greater safety, freedom and improved quality of life.
Who May Benefit
Suspension Therapy may benefits indivuals who
Have fallen, or may notice a change in their balance
have had joint replacements
have joint or muscle pain
have difficulty walking
have had a stroke